Bereavement Therapist Near Me Serving Boynton Beach FL

In life, some events are so impactful that we’re shaken to our core. These experiences can make you question everything you hold to be true—from how you spend each day to major things like your spiritual beliefs.

Every single one of us will go through grief and bereavement in our lives. But this fact doesn’t make the process any easier. Working with a Boynton Beach bereavement therapist can help you navigate this tumultuous time and process your feelings in a safe, supportive space.

How Do You Know When You’re Grieving?

First, it’s important to remember the experience of grief and bereavement is unique to each person. This isn’t a “one size fits all” process.

That said, certain symptoms are more common than others. These feelings can be physical, emotional, or both. Here are some signs you’re going through bereavement:

  • Struggling to accept the loss
  • Struggling to focus on anything besides your grief
  • Feeling depressed, numb, detached, or sorrowful often
  • Feeling anger towards yourself, other people, or even God
  • Regretting past actions and intensely yearning to undo the loss
  • Physical symptoms like fatigue, nausea, restlessness, and appetite changes
  • Conflicting emotions such as sadness over the loss, and relief the person is at peace

You should also know there are many triggers of grief beyond losing a loved one. Events that can cause a period of bereavement include:

  • Losing your job
  • Death of a loved one or pet
  • Losing your financial stability
  • Separating from or divorcing your spouse
  • Having an “empty nest” once the children leave home
  • Traumatic global events like war and natural disaster
  • Losing a dream or goal (such as fertility or health issues)

Our compassionate bereavement therapists understand that there is no “normal” when it comes to grief. If you’ve been telling yourself you “shouldn’t” be feeling certain emotions, we encourage you to be patient with yourself during this time.

Signs It’s Time to Seek Help for Bereavement

The truth is, you can’t avoid feelings of grief or the bereavement period that follows loss. Grief is a completely natural process that virtually all people on Earth experience at some point in time.

But this doesn’t make the burden any lighter. At a certain point, it’s time to search online for a “bereavement therapist near me” and get support from a sympathetic, experienced, and dedicated mental health professional.  

The clearest sign it’s time to seek help for bereavement is if your feelings are causing issues in your daily life. This can take many forms, but some of the more common ones are:

  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Isolating yourself from friends and family
  • Feeling like your life is no longer worth living
  • Major struggles while socializing with loved ones
  • Changes in appetite that are affecting your weight
  • Strongly believing you could’ve somehow prevented the loss
  • Inability to speak about the loss or make appropriate changes
  • Wishing you were no longer alive or had died with your loved one

Left untreated, your grief can escalate into complicated grief, which can send your life into an even deeper tailspin. If one or more of the above symptoms sounds familiar, we invite you to set up an appointment with one of our Boynton Beach bereavement therapists.

How a Bereavement Therapist Can Help

Working with an experienced, compassionate bereavement therapist can make all the difference in this difficult time. Grief can make you feel lost, joyless, and uncertain about nearly every facet of your life.

So, having a counselor to act as a North Star, who can guide you through the darkness to brighter times, is one of the best things you can do. Specifically, you can expect:

  • Talking about the loss in a safe, secure space
  • Describing your emotions to better understand them
  • Developing coping strategies to manage powerful emotions
  • Learning to accept your grief as natural and allow it to unfold
  • Identifying unhealthy behaviors and learning more positive ones
  • Deep discussions about how your grief relates to your spiritual beliefs
  • Establishing routines you can use to soothe difficult emotions and physical discomfort

All in all, working with a bereavement therapist keeps you from being overwhelmed by grief. You’ll instead learn to let the process happen naturally and how to regulate yourself during intense moments.

At Gateway Counseling, we help clients in Boynton Beach and across Palm Beach County navigate grief on their terms. Our experienced bereavement therapists also specialize in helping you discover answers to the questions you’re likely asking yourself.

You may feel like you’ll never find joy or purpose in your life again. Even your spiritual faith might be tested throughout this process. We’ll help you resolve these issues on a deep level and incorporate your spirituality into achieving your therapeutic goals.

Nobody Should Grieve Alone

As humans, we’re inherently social. Even if your loss isn’t related to death, it’s normal to want and need support during any period of bereavement. Compassion during this time is especially important because grief doesn’t follow a set pattern for every single person.

While there’s a lot of discussion around the “stages of grief,” these just aren’t accurate on an individual basis. In reality, grief is affected by so many details like the nature of the loss, your age, and your culture.

So, processing grief and navigating bereavement is going to look different for each of us. The one universal fact here is that nobody should grieve alone.

If you need a bereavement therapist near me in Boynton Beach, or you’d like to learn more about our approach to bereavement therapy, call Gateway Counseling today at (561) 468-6464.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bereavement Therapy

How does bereavement therapy work?

Your bereavement therapy sessions will be customized to your specific needs and goals, but generally, you can expect:

  • Talking about your loss and how it’s impacting you
  • Establishing goals for your sessions and a timeline for reaching them
  • Practicing coping strategies to help you deal with difficult days or moments
  • Working through any trauma or guilt you feel as a result of the loss
  • Learning how to build a maintain a support system for yourself

Overall, the goal is to help you gain perspective on the loss, make sense of it, and experience bereavement while staying in control of your day-to-day life.

What’s the difference between a bereavement therapist and a general therapist?

The difference between a bereavement therapist and a general therapist is similar to the difference between a cardiologist and a physician. One specializes in a particular field of medicine, while the other is a generalist.

Of course, there are times when a general therapist can serve your needs perfectly well. But a bereavement therapist will have a deeper knowledge of evidence-based techniques and more experience helping clients navigate bereavement effectively.

How long does bereavement therapy usually last?

Bereavement therapy usually lasts sometime between six and 12 months, depending on the specific details and emotions involved.

Throughout your sessions with a bereavement therapist at Gateway Counseling, you’ll discuss progress and the timeline for completing bereavement therapy.

How do I find a bereavement therapist near me?

If you’re looking for a bereavement therapist near me serving Boynton Beach, you’ve already found several here at Gateway Counseling. To decide whether any therapist is a good fit for you, consider:

  • Travel distance from you
  • The counselor’s experience
  • Pricing for sessions
  • Accepted insurance policies

These are the most major factors to weigh when you’re looking for a bereavement therapist near me. If you’re ready to learn more about our decades of experience and our compassionate certified counselors, call us today at (561) 468-6464.

Boynton Beach Counseling Center
Gateway Counseling Center
1034 Gateway Blvd. #104
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: (561) 468-6464
Phone: (561) 678-0036

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